Those of you who know Brandon well know that he is a thinker. Heaven to him is sitting down and having a deep exploration and discussion about topics that really matter. He never looks at things on a surface level, he is always exploring to better understand an issue or to make a process more efficient. He is both a dreamer and a hard worker. As with most dreamers failure (by the terms of financial success) has been his teacher, but from it he has learned much about what is really important in life. He has created a fictional novel that shares his insights into what is important. His novel, The World’s Greatest Spectacle, talks about the importance of seeking truth. Galileo said, “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Brandon has a dream to help the world better understand and discover truth. This book is the start of his big dream. When you have a minute visit the books website at:
This fills us up!!
8 years ago
Way to go Brandon!